Privacy Policy


This privacy policy aims to describe how this Site is managed, in relation to the treatemen of personal data of visitors and users of this Site itself. Users and visitors should carefully read this privacy policy before providing any personal information and/or fill any form hosted on this Site.

This document represents the privacy policy for this Site and is made available at the following address:

Isotracer srl may treat the personal data of those who browse the site at and use the services provided.

This privacy policy refers only to this Site and not to other sites reachable from hyperlinks published in the pages of this Site.

In the pages where users’ personal data are required, a specific information is published, as per art. 13/15 of Reg. UE 2016/679. Consent to treat the data will be explicitly required where art. 13/15 of Reg. UE 2016/679 provides for.
If the user provides third-party’s persona data, he must ensure that the data sent to Isotracer srl and the subsequent elaborations comply to Reg. UE 2016/679 and to appliable laws.

Owner of the treatment

The owner of the treatement is: Isotracer srl, via Gobetti 52/2 – 40129 Bologna (BO) pec:
mail:, who guarantees the respect of the law about the protection of personal data.

Type of data treated

Systems and software procedures that make this Site work gather some personal data – navigation data – which are transmitted as part of the communication protocols of the Internet. Those are information that are not meant to be associated to a particular user, but might be if cross referenced with data owned by third-parties. In this category fall IP addresses, domain names, URIs, timestamps, http request methods, server responsens etc.

Those navigation data are used for the sole purpose of obtaing anonymous, statistical information on how the Site is browsed and to monitor it. Data can also be used in case of crimes against this Site.

Beside navigation data, data provided by the user on volountary basis – through the interaction with the Site or by requisting a service provided by the Site – can be treated as well.


Please refer to the cookie policy below for further information about how cookies are handled.

Personal data conservation

Personal data are kept and treated at the premise of via Gobetti 52/2 – 40129 Bologna (BO) and/or at the premises of the hosting company. Data are treated exclusively by authorized personnel, included the personnel in charge of special maintenance. No data acquired will be announced in any way. All data are used only for the purpose of providing the required services, and are shared with third-parties only if absolutely necessary to provide those services.

Purpose of treatment

User’s personal and sensible data can be treated for the following purposes: use of the Site, use of the services provided by the Site, handling of reports by the users, newsletter forwarding, candidacy for a job position etc.

How data are treated

Gathered data are treated in both paper and electronic forms, and inserted into the information system following the guidelines of the Reg. UE 2016/679, including the security profiles and confidenciality.
Data are stored only for the duration of the service required by the user or until the consent is explicitly revoked. The information system and the software used to treat the data are suitably configured as to minimize the use of personal data, which are treated only to fulfill the required activity. Advanced security technologies and procedures are in place to protect user’s personal information. The user can help us to keep consistent and up to date his data by notifying any modification required.

Scope of communication and data access

User’s personal data might be communicated to:

  • all subject who can access the data (due to legal measures);
  • employees and contractors due to the scope of their activities;
  • all physical and juridical people, public and/or private, when the
    communication is needed to carry out our activities

Personal data which must be communicated

The communication of some user’s personal data is mandatory to handle communications or fulfill user’s requests. This kind of data are marked with a star symbol [*] and are mandatory to give, otherwise the user’s request can’t be fulfilled. On the contrary, other data which are not marked by the star symbol are optional and the failure to communicate them will have no consequence whatsoever.

User’s rights

The user has the right to obtain from the owner of the treatment to confirmation of an ongoing treatement of his data and, be that the case, to obtain the access to his personal data and to the following information:

  • scope of the treatment;
  • the personal data object of the treatement;
  • the recipents whom the data will be communicated, and if therecipients resides  in other countries or are part of international organizations;
  • how long the data will be kept or, if that information is not available, the criterias to determine that information;
  • the existence of the right to ask the owner of the treatment any amendement or deletion of any data, or to limit or oppose to the treatment as a whole;
  • the right to make claim to a control authority;
  • the existence of a decision making process, including profilation, and how that decision is make, along with the information about the consequences that treatement will have for the user.

Right to be forgotten

The user has the right to obtain, from the owner of the treatment, the cancellation of his personal data without unjustified delay, and the owner of the treatment must comply without unjustified delay if one of the following conditions is met:

  • personal data are no longer of use in relation to the purpose they were gathered and treated;
  • the user revokes the consent for the treatement as per art. 6, par. 1, lett. a, or per art. 9, par 2, let. a, and if no other valid motivation stands in favor of the treatement;
  • the user opposes to the treatment as per art. 21, par. 1 and no other valid motivation stands in favor of the treatement;
  • the treatment was illicit;
  • the personal data must be deleted to comply to a legal obligation imposed by the UE right of the right of the memeber state which the owner of the treatment is subject to;
  • personal data were gathered in relation to an offer as per art. 8, par. 1 of the Reg. UE 2016/679.

Right to limitation of the treatment

The user has the right to obtain, from the owner of the treatment, the limitation of the treatement when one of the following conditions is met:

  • the user contests the correctness of his persona data, for the period of time needed by the owner of the treatment to verify the data;
  • the treatment is illicit and the user opposes to the deletion of his personal data, but rather asks of a limited use;
  • even if the owner of the treatment doesn’t need the data anymore, they are needed to verify, exercise or otherwise defend of a right on legal branch;
  • the user has opposed to the treatment as per art. 21, par. 1, reg. UE 2016/679 and is waiting for the verification of the preponderance of the reasons of the owner of the treatment over his own.

Right to data portability

The user has the right to receive, in a human and machine readable format, the personal data given to the owner of the treatment, and has also the right to transmit that same data to another owner of treatement without hindrances.

Revocation of the consent

The user has the right to revoke his consent to the treatment by sending a signed for mail to the following address: Isotracer srl, via Gobetti 52/2 – 40129 Bologna (BO) Italy, along with a valid identity document, with the following request: “revocation of the consento to treat all my personal data”. His personal data will be removed from the archives in the least time possible.

If the users would like to receive more information, he can send a signed for mail to the aforementioned address. Before providing or amending any information, the user’s identity check might be required. The request will be answered as soon as possible.

Changes to the privacy policy

The owner reserves the right to change, updated, amend this privacy policy in any way he sees fit and at any time. To ease the verification this privacy policy will state the date of the last update.

Last update: 30 maggio 2018

Cookies policy

Cookies and navigation data

This site uses “cookies”. By browsing this Site, you authorize the use of cookies according to this privacy policy.

Cookies are litte files stored on the hard disk of your computer, and are roughly divided in two categories: technical cookies and profiling cookie.

Technical cookies are needed for this Site to work correctly, and to allow its browsing; whitout technical cookies you might not be able to view the pages correctly, or to use some of our services.

Profiling cookies are used to create user profiles in order to send the user advertising material coherent with his preferences.

Cookies can be also further classified as:

  • session cookies: deleted when the Internet browser is quitted;
  • persisten cookies: they are retained by the Internet browser for a specified amount of time. They are used, for example, to recognize the device connecting  o the Site and allow a tailored browsing experience;
  • proper cookies: create and managed by the owner of the Site;
  • third-party cookies: created and managed by third-party entities unrelated to the Site.

Cookies we use

This Site uses the following types of cookies:

  • proper, session and persistent cookies, needed to browse the Site, to ensure the appropriate level of security and to manage the Site;
  • third-party coookies, both session and persistent, needed to display the multimedia elements of this Site;
  • third-party cookies, persistent, used by the Site to send statistical information to Google Analytics and then analyze how the Site is browsed. These cookies are used only for statistical purposes and thus gather the information in an aggregate, anonymous form. By mean of a couple of cookies, one session and one persistent, Google Analytics tracks the date and time of the start of the visit to this Site, and its duration. You can opt-out at any time following the instructions at:
  • third-party cookies, persistent, used by this Site to display social network buttons on the pages. By pressing one of this buttons the user can share the page of the Site he is visiting through his social network accounts.

The Site could include links to other sites (third-party sites). Isotracer srl does not access or control any of cookies, web beacons and other traking technologies which could be used by third-party sites the user may access trough this Site. Isotracer srl, moreover, does not control the contents and the materials published or obtained from third-party sites, nor it does control how personal data are handled, and therefore explicitly declines any responsibility.

The user is urged to verify the privacy policy of third-party sites accessibile trough this Site apply, and how his/her personal data are handled in each case.

This policy applies only to this Site, as stated above.

How to disable cookies

To disable cookies, the following links provide information on how to do it with the most popular internet browsers.

Mozilla Firefox:

Google Chrome:

Apple Safari:
